

Josh Jimenez is a Graphic Designer straight from the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago. After many years of school and soul-searching, Josh finally hopped on the Graphic Design van and started taking classes at McHenry County College. Before exploring the digital art world, Josh was a fine arts student with experience in painting, pottery, watercolors, charcoal, still-life and other typical art student mediums. After dipping his toes into Recreational Therapy for a couple years, Josh decided to get back to his roots and dabble into the arts once more. He flew through all the classes needed to acquire his Graphic Design Certificate and even attended some web developing classes for the fun of it. From his first day of digital media classes to the last, he found himself constantly motivated and passionate for Graphic Design. Josh looks forward to sharpening his skills and continuously producing work, whether it’s commercial work or just personal satisfaction work.

Thanks to his teachers, fellow classmates and his burning love for the field, Josh is proficient in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Bridge, Coral, HTML, CSS and WordPress.

Present Josh is currently the Graphic Designer at Ultimate Screen Printing located in Mundelein, Illinois.

Future Josh’s long term goal is to be a Graphic Designer for a strong and friendly company. Josh is also looking to do any freelance work that may come to him in the future. One day, he hopes to start his own skateboard company or obtain a gig creating labels for an independent beer company.